Tuesday, 16 April 2013

AMD GHOST CPU: Are You Afraid Of Ghosts?


AMD GHOST CPU - You Have A Reason To Be Scared, Intel!

" Nothing Can Stand In Its Way. Its Unbelievably Powerful"-CNET
" Even Thinking About It Give Goosebumps"-Anandtech
" Raw and Extraordinary Power- Don't Think These Words Can Describe It Atleast 15%" -Tomshardware

CPU is the core of the computer. For nearly a century there were only two CPU manufacturers : Intel and AMD. Both of them had their opportunity to be shine at the top of the podium. Intel coming out a margin better than AMD processors in most occassions . Few Flashbacks : The old Piledriver loosing to IvyBridge , AMD Taurus loosing to Intel Vcore.
Almost 75% of the time Intel dominated over AMD. Current Intel successor Vcore has been at the top for over one and a half year. Intel V9 Hyper 12.5THz is current champ of CPUs. AMD Taurus 105T  has to settle for second place by a great margin. So it was thought that Intel will continue its success run.

You thought so too..huh!

"AMD Died! Rest In Peace"

This news was all over the internet and was spreading like a wildfire. Many thought the news was true. Some didn't believe though. Intel Fan-boys started celebrating AMD's demise. Websites, blogs, news everyone was after AMD's sudden withdrawal.

All these bragging were brought to an end yesterday when AMD finally unveiled one hell of a CPU. They were on development under extreme secrecy giving no one a single damn clue what was about to hit'em. 

Remember The Day -- 16th February 2031: The day AMD Obliterated Intel. The day which witnessed the birth of "The GHOST " CPU. Yes Folks- Its one scary ghost! A CPU bound by no limits. 

Let have a closer look at the engineering wonder.

AMD's new GHOST is based on 20nm architecture codenamed ghost itself. Its also an APU, with Radeon HD 9990x inbuilt GPU capable of cracking any game in market with solid 40+ fps. It has an RDR5 memory interface for faster data rates. It is clocked around 15THz and thats the entry and average models. The flagship model-GHOST XT is clocked around 20THz with Hyper clock to 30+THz. 

So What's all the FUSS about? 

Its the cores and its management that makes GHOST a special one. It ships with a 16 cores and 20 cores in XT model. What's more amazing??  There are unlimited cores for performance. Or atleast that's what AMD says. We tested AMD's Flagship CPU , The GHOST XT Hyperclocked.

CInebench 23 And SuperPi

Red-SuperPi and Blue-Cinebench 23

While running Cinebench 23 we checked ghost xt's Gmode. It activates the ghost cores in the CPU. Cinebench utilized 66 cores maximum with 45% load at all times, and in Gmode off state utilizes 20 active cores with almost maximum core activity. Vcore and XT normal mode were uncomparable to performance delivered when XT is in Gmode. Almost similar performance with Superpi.

Winrar Compression Time (1TB File-Lesser is Better)

in winrar compression XT under Gmode took under 1.05 seconds to complete 1 TB file compression. While Normal mode it took 26 seconds to complete the compression. Vcores were ages away in comparison. Again we see the Raw power of the Ghost in computing.

Crysis Liberty And GTA 21


we took some of the most CPU intensive games like Crysis liberty and GTA 21 and pushed Ghost to the extreme. Mind blowing 200+ fps on both under Gmode and gives stable but awesome 50 fps on normal mode. Even with about 60 cores extra, it delivered 180 fps margin only, under ultra settings. But we have to consider the fact that there wasn't a discreet GPU available for GHOST to reach those levels. But again hats off to immense power. Under Gmode it has a power utilization of about 180W maximum. In normal mode it is extremely cool and utilizes 66W maximum power.

There we have it. GHOST surely is a winner by all means. Its shear power and computing skill helps it to dominate every section testing. Dominate was a mere word. It was carnage. Total destruction of Intel Vcores! Even though AMD says that GHOST XT produces unlimited cores for required performances we were able to get a maximum 121 cores out of the CPU. Keep in mind that we utilized every bit of our 1TB RAM to test its cores and cannot continue because we were all out on RAM. So in future with more RAM to handle 100's of hungry apps at the same time we think it will be possible to break 121 core margin.

Intel was demolished in every aspects of tests. Not even a single game / software helped the Vcore to reach the level of performance of GHOST XT. All the GHOSTs of V,X series were above Intels CPU and only the entry level S series was behind intel. But with Gmode on, its a totally different story.

signing off... WackyFuture tech
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Thursday, 11 April 2013

Sony PSR-'PlayStation Reality':Next-Gen Virtual Reality Gaming


Sony PSR -Playstation Reality: Virtual Reality Gaming At Your Fingertips




Gaming is one of the prime Computer uses now a days. It was all about big monitors and monster graphics cards till today. With Sony releasing their first Virtual reality Gaming Console " THE PSR" , marks a new dawn of gaming industry. This will surely give Xbox Ninja 16K a run for its money.

Let's have a closer look at the New Hit maker. The PSR has a 'Set Box', which is what sony call the storage and central system. It has 640TB Memory in SSDX enabling blinding transfer rates. It posses a XDDR64 1TB RAM and AMD GHOST XT Extreme clocked at 54THz. Whats's more amazing is that it is fueled By AMD Razer4K 9880 GPU with Octa core real time blending and unmatched performance.

The specs seem superb, isn't it? It comes bundled with 2 PSR Glasses for gaming at an awesome price of $480 at amazon. Get Free Crysis Liberty Blue-ray disk free with each pack. Playing Crysis Liberty in PSR was extraordinary experience. You will actually feel like moving through vast urban jungle and touching the leaves, plants, and even getting hit by bullets. 

PSR will surely replace all the gaming consoles now on market since it is full fledged virtual gaming device which guarantees 100% satisfaction. Although i would't advice playing for over 4 or 5 hours as i did with Elder scrolls 11 Ravendon  which makes you feel quite dizzy at first and will take about 1-2 minutes to regain your full consciousness. 

A must try and gives a rating 10/10. Go get your PSR if you are into gaming.



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Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Ω CUBE [Omega Cube] - Create Space By Shrinking Materials And Wastes


Need More Space? Is Your Room Filled With All Kinds Of  Unwanted Things That You Can't Throw Away? Want To Dispose Wastes?


'Ω CUBE' Is Your Solution!

The population has crossed 9.2 Billion on 3rd March 2065, and the available space for each person is getting reduced per second. We are currently living in a time of extreme population density. Each available space is precious. Many areas have been filled with wastes and are uninhabitable. There are no effective way to disinfect and cleanse these locations. World wide researches have been progressing on methods to reduce pollution and dispose of wastes. One of the major breakthrough is the invention of Ω CUBE. It is developed by two nano-physicist at MIT on Dec 2065.

What is this 'Ω CUBE'?

Its a molecular level disintegration/Nano-Restructuring  device. In English this device changes the structure of substances and rearrange particles at nano or lower levels to reduce volume and size, thereby compressing the materials.The nano level construction and destruction breaks the molecules down and extreme compression causes it to shrink even more. The resulting molecular breakdown creates incredibly thin by extremely long nano strands with information about the actual particle size and shape..etc.

What's More amazing???- You can uncompress too!!!

How To Use It ?

The Ω CUBE is available to buy at a cost of $500. It ships as a 1cmx1cmx1cm cube. You can flatten it approximately million times its original surface area to get a extremely thinner sheet. Place the waste materials on it and wait for 30 seconds. It automatically reconstructs the materials and start forming its CUBE shape. Within 3 days the cube shrinks drastically to reach 1/10000 of its enlarged volume. This process continues after wards but rate becomes extremely slow and finises after 240 days to reach almost older original size. During setting it will emit certain gases, but these are only water and oxygen which are freed from the materials. De compression requires much more time as it analyses the strands of information recorded. in future this may develop new methods to selectively decompress required substances...

The Ω CUBE is available for different sizes according to the volume of the materials to be compressed. It has 86-96% efficiency on all substances compressed. It only had few problems with High density polythene like slower rate of compression.

There you have it a  revolutionary engineering which can reduce the hardships of daily life. For any questions please comment!
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Brain Unlocked : Powers Way Beyond Your Imagination


The Awesome Power Of Brain Has Been Unraveled : Its Going To Blow Your Mind!

The brain has always dazzled human beings. It has the amazing yet unique capability to think. Which has been the stronghold of human reign. Nothing could have been achieved at this drastic level without the aid of such a sophisticated brain. It has the ability to learn, understand, acquire skills, judge distances, and above all to think!

The human brain is quite large for our body size. even though sperm whale has the biggest brain in the world, its brain to body size ratio is negligible. But on other hand human brain is very much comparable to our body size. Its highly complex and the best multi-tasker on planet. Yet we know very little about the actual powers and limits of our own brain. We will all just spend our entire lifetime without knowing the true extremes of our brain. Wonder what could happen if you can use the full potential of your brain. Well, Don't crack your brain thinking into complexities..Researches have been progressing on the rooting of our brain since 2014 under the name Project " DeepLearn. On its 10th anniversary they produced the most awesome feat in history of neurobiology-Insights to the capabilities of brain.

Project leader Dr. Gotham arranged a press conference today ( AUG 14th 2024) revealing the results of their study. The revolutionary drug Cerotenamercphol  was used to penetrate brain and neurobots enabled the doctors to unlock its true powers. Some of the simplest tests for brain analysis consisted of calculation speed, complex equations solving, Rubik's Cube analysis and solving, memory. Results were astounding;

Tests Before Unlocking After Unlocking
Calculation ( Duration For 100 calculations)  259.6 sec 21.6 sec
Complex equation solving (Duration) 872.64 sec 84.12 sec
Rubik's cube solving 8280 sec  617 sec
Memory ( 100 person's name ) failed (average 23 correct) 141 sec
Response time ( Reflex Test)0.05 sec0.0000018 sec


As you can see, the results were mind blowing. The brain has hidden most of its processing power from us. Now humans have found a way to tap into this raw power. Keep in mind that this results were made only for a short time ~ 3 hours. This is the main limitation, which might be possibly removed in future tests as science gets more advanced. Tuned in for future updates......
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Sunday, 17 March 2013

Intel Releases Quantum Core Range Of Processors


The Next Generation Of Processors Is Here- The Quantum Core From Intel




"The Dawn Of Quantum Computing "


The processor is part that powers the entire computer system. It does the computing and is really fast. Since 2000 The Processor giants are waging a fight to decide which one is the best- AMD or Intel. Both has produced marvels during their successful run. When Intel released their Core i range of processors in 2010, they owned the podium. AMD wanted to strike back with their Bulldozer range of CPU, which didn't workout for them. But when everyone thought that AMD is gone for good in 2028 they released The "GHOST" Range of processors and wiped the floor with Intel. AMD had been at the top for over 20 years now owing totally to the ghost .GHOST XT has released few months ago is certainly a crowd puller. Intel will sweat a lot.

Why this long duration? Where is Intel? Have they thrown in the towel?

These question were at top discussion between Techno Geeks. But Intel was planning something big.
By big, I really mean BIGG!! On February 28th 2049 Intel presented the world The innovation of the century- 'Quantum Core Processors' , its finally here. This will mark the beginning of Sixth-Gen Computers.

Lets have a closer look at this revolutionary piece of engineering. 

The Quantum Core has its working based on Quantum Physics . Its ultra small- hats off to advanced nanotechnology. It has 3.8nm architecture with  physical cores ranging from 1729-3024 per processor. The notorious GHOST can produce various number of cores according to performance requirements- a CPU you don't have to upgrade for a very very long time. So Intel has to bring up something formidable to counteract. Every Tech-reviews have given a perfect 10 for the GHOST, its invincible. 

Intel promises blinding core clocks with their Q-core  ranging from 12.5THz to 20THz, which is like 25-49% faster than The Ghost. Reduced die size and quantum computing increases the efficiency and reduction of power consumption to drastic degrees, scoring much above its opponent. It supports SSE32, SSE94, XTSP, EVO11 and its get better, it has inbuilt Tegra X7 GPU powerful enough to crack GTA 35 at 124K resolution with almost constant 42fps. It adapts according to the scenario but there is a bit lag which while moving through different processes. The culprit is quantum technology - It assess each running program with approximately .6 second lag, falling behind AMD with a lag of negligible .0084f seconds. It has way much better overclocking capability than AMD reaching 60+THz,
and if you wanna push it more get Intel Hyper-clock utility for $120 and reach blistering 125THz speeds. It supports RDR7 Memory Units working at 1.8THz and 2.6THz speeds.

  • Its amazingly fast over 25THz clock speeds
  • Amazing Overclockability with Hyper-clock support- Reach over 100THz clocks
  • Extremely low power consumption
  • All latest QXB based motherboards will have support
  • Amazing Per-core performance than AMD
  • Inbuilt Tegra X7 GPU
  • Costlier than its counterpart
  • Fixed number of cores
  • Doesn't support older RDR version RAMs
  • Its credibility in long run is yet to be validated.
Overall its an engineering marvel. Quantum physics merging with CPUs to generate next-gen computers, opening a way to Quantum computing. I still doubt that it will overthrow AMD Ghost from its reign any time soon. But as its architecture advances it will get much much more powerful than today and quantum computing will take over every  filed.
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Thursday, 14 March 2013

Brain Drives Replaces Pendrives : Year 2031


Brain-Drives Replace Pen-Drives : Year 2031


"You won't have to replace this one for a very long long time! "- MemGCorp

"Next-Gen Memory Device is here"- CNET

"Mind Blowing Technology; Capture your Favorite Moments and no camera needed."

Pendrives have been used till the start of the millennium. During these years they have went about drastic changes. From miniature MB sized ones in the start of 2000 to the ginormous Terabyte sized ones released by Kingston in 2016. It was a major breakthrough in flash drive field. It was thought that the age of pen-drives were not over but starting to see an usurping. Oh no ,with nanotechnology at its zenith storage devices changed drastically.  Behold !!!- The Rise Of The Brain Drive......

Yes its true folks. Its really here- The Brain Drive. Leading Memory devices and research company  'MemGCorp' has produced the wonder device. Lets just see what this hyped baby does.

Brain Drive- as the name suggests its a memory device connected with your Brain.  It can be connected to any part of human body which has neural connections. The neurons are connected to the brain and hence the connection to the drive occurs. The device comes with a 250TB initial capacity. 
Wait a minute what is this initial capacity?

Yes this is the most important and noteworthy innovation of the decade and  MemGcorp has done it. " This Memory Grows !!!". Yes like an ordinary human memory it has the ability to grow from its standard capacity as time progresses. It has connection to all senses in human body. If you want to record  your moments in life, no need to go run and take you camera. Braindrive can essentially save all videos through your eyes itself all epic resolutions. Record sound , analyze data at blinding speed.

It has an input processor based on the latest nanopeize architecture ( 3nm structure). It holds more than 541G transistors and can run at over 9Ghz speed to manipulate data. It has a transfer rate of 3.7GB/s. We all know hats a little bit less faster than the currently available Transcend Rapid 64TB pendrive ( 4.8GB/s), which has the fastest transfer rate in planet. MemGCorp reports that the architecture is still in the developing stage so speed will increase with progress of time. Any how this is a master piece device and will be in production from february 2032. You will have to wait just little more to get your hands on this device.

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